• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
[[Program]] > [[JavaScript]] > [[AltJS]] > [[Elm]] > [[Elmガイド>Elm_guide]] > インストール


* インストール [#sdd2977c]
-インストール · An Introduction to Elm https://guide.elm-lang.jp/install.html


**インストーラーのダウンロード [#x86f0033]
-Releases · elm/compiler · GitHub https://github.com/elm/compiler/releases/

**Windowsの場合 [#j48637fb]

***動作確認 [#vd40e41c]

 Hi, thank you for trying out Elm 0.19.1. I hope you like it!
 I highly recommend working through <https://guide.elm-lang.org> to get started.
 It teaches many important concepts, including how to use `elm` in the terminal.
 The most common commands are:
     elm repl
         Open up an interactive programming session. Type in Elm expressions like
         (2 + 2) or (String.length "test") and see if they equal four!
     elm init
         Start an Elm project. It creates a starter elm.json file and provides a
         link explaining what to do from there.
     elm reactor
         Compile code with a click. It opens a file viewer in your browser, and
         when you click on an Elm file, it compiles and you see the result.
 There are a bunch of other commands as well though. Here is a full list:
     elm repl    --help
     elm init    --help
     elm reactor --help
     elm make    --help
     elm install --help
     elm bump    --help
     elm diff    --help
     elm publish --help
 Adding the --help flag gives a bunch of additional details about each one.
 Be sure to ask on the Elm slack if you run into trouble! Folks are friendly and
 happy to help out. They hang out there because it is fun, so be kind to get the
 best results!


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