• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
[[ネットワークスペシャリスト]] () > ネットワーク用語
[[ネットワークスペシャリスト]] > ネットワーク用語



* リンク [#f57afdd8]
| 日経ITpro 情報・通信用語事典 | http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/dictionary/ |
| IT用語辞典 e-Words | http://e-words.jp/ |
| ネットワーク用語辞典 e-Words | http://e-words.jp/p/t-Network.html |
| ASCII.jpデジタル用語辞典 | http://yougo.ascii.jp/ |
| @IT ネットワーク用語辞典 | http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/fnetwork/keyword/ |
| RBB TODAY ブロードバンド辞典 | http://dictionary.rbbtoday.com/ |
| アライドテレシス - ネットワーク用語集 | http://www.allied-telesis.co.jp/library/grossary/ |
| ネットワーク -- Key:雑学事典 | http://www.7key.jp/nw/ |

* 数字・記号 [#hfff0fd6]
[[10ギガビットイーサネット]] (10 gigabit Ethernet)
[[1次群速度インターフェース]] (Primary Rate Interface)
[[3DES]] (Triple Data Encryption Standard)
[[3ウェイハンドシェイク]] (three-way handshaking)

* アルファベット [#jbd9db7d]

** A [#bb5b4464]
[[ACKフラグ]] (ACKnowledgement flag)
[[ADPCM]] (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation)
[[ADSL]] (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
[[ADS方式]] (Active Double Star)
[[AES]] (Advanced Encryption Standard)
[[AES-CCMP]] (Advanced Encryption Standard - Counter CBC-MAC Protocol)
[[AH]] (Authentication Header)
[[ARP]] (Address Resolution Protocol)
[[AS]] (Autonomous System)

** B [#mdc0b1ea]
[[BGP]] (Border Gateway Protocol)
[[Bチャネル]] (B channel)

** C [#jc3d7631]
[[CA]] (Certificate Authority)
[[CATV]] (Community Antenna TeleVision)
[[CELP]] (Code Excited Linear Prediction)
[[CHAP]] (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
[[CIDR]] (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
[[CIFS]] (Common Internet File System)
[[CRL]] (Certificate Revocation List)
[[CSMA/CA]] (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance)
[[CSMA/CD]] (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection)

** D [#o4c375cf]
[[DAS]] (Direct Attached Storage)
[[DES]] (Data Encryption Standard)
[[DHCP]] (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
[[DHCPサーバ]] (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server)
[[DHCPヘルパー]] (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Helper)
[[DHCPリレーエージェント]] (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Relay Agent)
[[DiffServ]] (Differentiated Services)
[[DMZ]] (DeMilitarized Zone)
[[DNS]] (Domain Name System)
[[DNSサーバ]] (Domain Name System Server)
[[DNSラウンドロビン方式]] (Domain Name System round robin algorithm)
[[DoS攻撃]] (Denial of Service attack)
[[Dチャネル]] (D channel)

** E [#q28eb3b6]
[[EAP]] (Extensible Authentication Protocol )
[[EGP]] (Exterior Gateway Protocol)
[[ESP]] (Encapsulated Security Payload)

** F [#fe41c74e]
[[FCIP]] (Fibre Channel over Internet Protocol)
[[FCS]] (Frame Check Sequence)
[[FC-SAN]] (Fibre Channel Storage Area Network)
[[FLSM]] (Fixed Length Subnet Mask)
[[FQDN]] (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
[[FTP]] (File Transfer Protocol)
[[FTTH]] (Fiber To The Home)

** G [#ve906fec]
[[G.992.1]] (G Series ITU Recommendations 992.1)
[[G.992.2]] (G Series ITU Recommendations 992.2)
[[GARP]] (Gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol)
[[GE-PON]] (Gigabit Ethernet-Passive Optical Network)

** H [#x0852a87]
[[H.248]] (H Series ITU Recommendations 248)
[[H.323]] (H Series ITU Recommendations 323)
[[HDLC]] (High-Level Data Link Control)
[[hostsファイル]] (hosts file)
[[HTML]] (HyperText Markup Language)
[[HTTP]] (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
[[HTTPリクエスト]] (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Request)
[[HTTPレスポンス]] (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Response)

** I [#wc0d7414]
[[ICMP]] (Internet Control Message Protocol)
[[IDS]] (Intrusion Detection System)
[[IEEE802.11a]] (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 802.11a)
[[IEEE802.11b]] (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 802.11b)
[[IEEE802.11g]] (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 802.11g)
[[IEEE802.11i]] (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 802.11i)
[[IEEE802.11n]] (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 802.11n)
[[IEEE802.1D]] (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 802.1D)
[[IEEE802.1Q]] (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 802.1Q)
[[IEEE802.1X]] (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 802.1X)
[[iFCP]] (Internet Fibre Channel Protocol)
[[IGP]] (Interior Gateway Protocol)
[[IKE]] (Internet Key Exchange)
[[IMAP]] (Internet Message Access Protocol)
[[IMAP4S]] (Internet Message Access Protocol 4 over Secure Socket Layer)
[[IntServ]] (Integrated Services)
[[IP]] (Internet Protocol)
[[IP-PBX]] (Intenet Protocol Private Branch eXchange)
[[IPS]] (Intrusion Prevention System)
[[IP-SAN]] (Internet Protocol Storage Area Network)
[[IPsec]] (Internet Protocol Security) / (Security Architecture for Internet Protocol)
[[IPsec-VPN]] (Internet Protocol Security Virtual Private Network)
[[IP-VPN]] (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network)
[[IPアドレス]] (Internet Protocol address)
[[IPスキャン]] (Internet Protocol scan)
[[IPテレフォニー]] (Internet Protocol telephony)
[[IP電話機]] (Internet Protocol phone)
[[IPヘッダ]] (Internet Protocol header)
[[IPマスカレード]] (Internet Protocol masquerade)
[[iSCSI]] (Internet Small Computer System Interface)
[[ISDN]] (Integrated Services Digital Network)

** J [#vea07558]

** K [#i0d01a6f]

** L [#xce7a9df]
[[LAN]] (Local Area Network)

** M [#v832a213]
[[MACアドレス]] (Media Access Control address)
[[MACアドレスフィルタリング]] (Media Access Control address filtering)
[[MD5]] (Message Digest Algorithm 5)
[[Medium Dependent Interface]] ()
[[MDI-X]] (Medium Dependent Interface Crossover)
[[MEGACO]] (Media Gateway Control)
[[MGCP]] (Media Gateway Control Protocol)
[[MIB]] (Management Information Base)
[[MIC]] (Message Integrity Check)
[[MOS]] (Mean Opinion Score)
[[MPLS]] (Multi Protocol Label Switching)
[[MTBF]] (Mean Time Between Failure)
[[MTTR]] (Mean Time To Repair)
[[MTU]] (Maximum Transmission Unit)

** N [#kd3f81ea]
[[NAPT]] (Network Address Port Translation)
[[NAS]] (Network Attached Storage)
[[NASゲートウェイ]] (Network Attached Storage gateway)
[[NAT]] (Network Address Translation)
[[NATトラバーサル]] (Network Address Translation traversal)
[[NFS]] (Network File System)
[[NIC]] (Network Interface Card)
[[NTP]] (Network Time Protoco)

** O [#pc6b5aed]
[[OCSP]] (Online Certificate Status Protocol)
[[OCSPレスポンダ]] (Online Certificate Status Protocol responder)
[[OLT]] (Optical Line Terminal)
[[OSI]] (Open Systems Interconnection 開放型システム間相互接続)
[[OSI参照モデル]] (OSI Reference Model)
[[OSPF]] (Open Shortest Path First)
[[OSPFエリア]] (Open Shortest Path First area)

** P [#ldb3c462]
[[PAP]] (Password Authentication Protocol)
[[PBX]] (Private Branch eXchange)
[[PCM]] (Pulse Code Modulation)
[[PDS方式]] (Passive Double Star)
[[PESQ]] (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality)
[[ping]] (ping)
[[PKI]] (Public Key Infrastructure)
[[PoE]] (Power over Ethernet)
[[PON]] (Passive Optical Network)
[[POP]] (Post Office Protocol)
[[POP3S]] (Post Office Protocol version 3 over SSL/TLS)
[[PPP]] (Point to Point Protocol)
[[PPPマルチリンク]] (Point to Point Protocol Multilink)
[[PSK]] (Pre-Shared Key)
[[PSQM]] (Perceptual Speech Quality Measure)

** Q [#m19865c8]
[[QoS]] (Quality of Service)

** R [#ce66d040]
[[RADIUS]] (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service)
[[RARP]] (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
[[Re-Keying]] (Re-Keying)
[[RFC]] (Request for Comments)
[[RIP]] (Routing Information Protocol)
[[RPO]] (Recovery Point Objective)
[[RSA]] (Rivest Shamir Adleman)
[[RSTフラグ]] (ReSeT flag)
[[RTCP]] (Real-time Transport Control Protocol)
[[RTO]] (Recovery Time Objective)
[[RTP]] (Real-time Transport Protocol)
[[R値]] (Ro-Is-Id-Ie+A factor)

** S [#p2b9aefd]
[[SA]] (Security Association)
[[SAN]] (Storage Area Network)
[[SDP]] (Session Description Protocol)
[[SHA-1]] (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)
[[SIP]] (Session Initiation Protocol )
[[SIPサーバ]] (Session Initiation Protocol server)
[[SLA]] (Service Level Agreement)
[[SMTP]] (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
[[SMTPS]] (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol over SSL)
[[Smurf]] (Smurf)
[[SNMP]] (Simple Network Management Protocol)
[[SPFアルゴリズム]] (Shortest Path First Algorithm)
[[SQLインジェクション]] (Structured Query Language Injection)
[[SSID]] (Service Set Identifier)
[[SSL]] (Secure Socket Layer)
[[SSL-VPN]] (Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network)
[[SS方式]] (Single Star)
[[Stratum]] (Stratum)
[[SYN Flood]] (SYNchronize flag Flood)
[[SYNフラグ]] (SYNchronize flag)

** T [#e3b81aa4]
[[TCP]] (Transmission Control Protocol)
[[TCP/IP]] (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)
[[TFTP]] (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
[[TKIP]] (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)
[[TLS]] (Transport Layer Security)
[[TOS]] (Type Of Service)
[[TTL]] (Time To Live)

** U [#j6b7beba]
[[UDP]] (User Datagram Protocol)
[[URI]] (Uniform Resource Identifier)
[[URL]] (Uniform Resource Locator)
[[UTPケーブル]] (Unshield Twisted Pair Cable)

** V [#afcd1a78]
[[VLAN]] (Virtual Local Area Network)
[[VLSM]] (Variable Length Subnet Mask)
[[VoIP]] (Voice over Internet Protocol)
[[VPN]] (Virtual Private Network)
[[VRRP]] (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)

** W [#s3cc6686]
[[WAN]] (Wide Area Network)
[[WDM]] (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)
[[WEP]] (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
[[Wi-Fiアライアンス]] (Wireless Fidelity Alliance)
[[WPA]] (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
[[WPA2]] (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2)

** X [#d720f533]
[[XAUTH認証]] (eXtended AUTHentication)

** Y [#x607262a]

** Z [#td12e91a]

* 50音 [#dcb4566c]

** ア [#e9521ae2]
[[アーラン]] (Erlang)
[[アーランB式]] (Erlang B Calculator)
[[アクセス回線]] (access line)
[[アクセスポイント]] (access point)
[[アソシエーション]] (association)
[[アドホックモード]] (ad hoc mode)
[[アドレスクラス]] (address class)
[[アドレス変換]] (address translation)
[[アドレッシング]] (addressing)
[[アプリケーション層]] (application layer)
[[暗号]] ()

** イ [#pe5da820]
[[イーサネット]] (Ethernet))
[[インターネット]] (Internet)
[[インターネットVPN]] (Internet Virtual Private Network)
[[インターネット層]] (Internet layer)
[[インフラストラクチャモード]] (infrastructure mode)

** ウ [#mae6487a]
[[ウィンドウサイズ]] (window size)
[[ウェルノウンポート番号]] (well known port number)

** エ [#o2b31f17]
[[エンドツーエンド]] (End to End)

** オ [#r7b3ce8d]
[[オートネゴシエーション]] (auto negotiation)
[[オーバーヘッド]] (overhead)
[[オクテット]] (octet)
[[オフセット]] (offset)
[[音声品質評価]] ()

** カ [#x35839e6]
[[回線交換方式]] ()
[[回線交換モード]] ()
[[外部ゲートウェイプロトコル]] (Exterior Gateway Protocol)
[[隠れ端末問題]] ()
[[カットスルー方式]] (Cut-through switching)
[[稼働率]] ()
[[可変長サブネットマスク]] (Variable Length Subnet Mask)
[[可用性]] ()

** キ [#y752f32b]
[[ギガビットイーサネット]] (Gigabit Ethernet)
[[基本インターフェース]] (basic rate interface)
[[キューイング]] (queuing )
[[共通鍵暗号方式]] ()
[[距離ベクトル型ルーティング]] (distance vector routing)

** ク [#df1b4d7b]
[[クラスフルアドレス]] (classful address)
[[クラスレスアドレス]] (classless address)
[[クラッド]] (clad)
[[グローバルアドレス]] (global address)
[[クロスケーブル]] (cross cable)
[[クロスサイトスクリプティング]] (Cross Site Scripting)

** ケ [#v99994d4]
[[検疫ネットワーク]] (quarantine network)

** コ [#v3f51826]
[[コア]] (core)
[[広域イーサネット]] (wide area Ethernet)
[[公開鍵暗号方式]] ()
[[公開鍵基盤]] ()
[[呼制御サーバ]] ()
[[呼損率]] ()
[[呼損率表]] ()
[[固定長サブネットマスク]] (Fixed Length Subnet Mask)
[[コネクション]] (connection)
[[コネクション型プロトコル]] (connection-mode protocol)
[[コネクションレス型プロトコル]] (connectionless-mode protocol)
[[コリジョンドメイン]] (collision domain)
[[呼量]] (traffic intensity)

** サ [#ne66a638]
[[最長一致検索]] (Longest Match)
[[サブネッティング]] (subnetting)
[[サブネットマスク]] (subnet mask)
[[差分バックアップ]] (Differencial Backup)
[[サンプリング]] (sampling)

** シ [#c1b67654]
[[シグナリングプロトコル]] (signaling protocol)
[[ジッタ]] (jitter)
[[順序制御]] ()
[[冗長化]] ()
[[シングルモード]] (single mode)
[[侵入検知システム]] (Intrusion Detection System)
[[侵入防御システム]] (Intrusion Prevention System)

** ス [#k7e24372]
[[スイッチ]] (switch)
[[スケジューリング]] (scheduling)
[[スター型]] (star formed LAN)
[[スタティックVLAN]] (Static Virtual Local Area Network)
[[スタティックルーティング]] (static routing)
[[ステートフルインスペクション]] (stateful inspection)
[[ストアアンドフォワード方式]] (store and forward)
[[ストレートケーブル]] (straight cable)
[[スパニングツリー]] (spanning tree)

** セ [#c779d39a]
[[セッション層]] (session layer)
[[セル範囲]] (cell)
[[セルリレーサービス]] (cell relay service)
[[全二重通信]] (full duplex)
[[専用回線方式]] ()
[[専用線サービス]] ()

** ソ [#g49c174b]
[[増分バックアップ]] (Incremental Backup)
[[ゾーニング]] (zoning)
[[ソフトウェアアドレス]] (software address)

** タ [#z01cc297]
[[ダイクストラアルゴリズム]] (Dijkstra's Algorithm)
[[ダイナミックDNS]] (Dynamic Domain Name System)
[[ダイナミックVLAN]] (Dynamic Virtual Local Area Network)
[[ダイナミックルーティング]] (dynamic routing)
[[タグVLAN]] (Tag Virtual Local Area Network)

** チ [#d7a96754]
[[チェックサム]] (check sum)

** ツ [#x6957a3b]

** テ [#b56f7e44]
[[ディザスタリカバリ]] (disaster recovery)
[[ディスタンスベクタルーティング]] (Distance Vector Routing)
[[データグラム]] (Datagram)
[[データリンク層]] (Data Link Layer)
[[デジタル証明書]] (digital certificate)
[[デジタル署名]] (digital signature)
[[デフォルトゲートウェイ]] (default gateway)
[[デフォルトルート]] (default route)
[[電子メール]] (electronic mail)

** ト [#md15d1ab]
[[同期レプリケーション]] (synchronous replication)
[[等コストバランシング機能]] (equal-cost balancing)
[[同軸ケーブル]] (coaxial cable)
[[トークンパッシング]] (token passing)
[[トランク]] (trunk)
[[トランクポート]] (trunk port)
[[トランスポート層]] (transport layer)
[[トレースルート]] (traceroute)
[[トレーラ]] (trailer)
[[トンネリング]] (tunneling)

** ナ [#tf0f35a5]
[[内部ゲートウェイプロトコル]] (Interior Gateway Protocol)

** ニ [#z3b9f2b9]
[[認証]] (authentication)
[[認証局]] (Certification Authority)
[[認証スイッチ方式]] ()

** ヌ [#r7e1a077]

** ネ [#g584d40e]
[[ネクストホップ]] (next hop)
[[ネットワークアーキテクチャ]] (network architecture)
[[ネットワークアドレス]] (network address)
[[ネットワークインターフェース層]] (network interface layer)
[[ネットワーク層]] (network layer)

** ノ [#q8b58821]
[[ノード]] (node)

** ハ [#q7af82cf]
[[パーソナルファイアウォール]] (personal firewall)
[[ハードウェアアドレス]] (hardware address)
[[ハイパーテキスト]] (Hyper Text)
[[ハイブリッド方式]] ()
[[パケット]] (packet)
[[パケット交換モード]] ()
[[パケットフィルタ]] (packet filter)
[[バス型]] ()
[[パスコスト]] ()
[[波長分割多重]] ()
[[バックアップ]] (backup)
[[ハッシュ関数]] ()
[[バッファオーバフロー]] ()
[[半二重通信]] ()

** ヒ [#h69a131e]
[[光ファイバーケーブル]] ()
[[非同期レプリケーション]] (asynchronous replication)
[[非武装地帯]] ()
[[標準化]] ()
[[標本化定理]] ()

** フ [#t1f75f9b]
[[ファイアウォール]] ()
[[ファイバチャネル]] ()
[[ファイル転送]] ()
[[ファストイーサネット]] ()
[[負荷分散アルゴリズム]] ()
[[負荷分散装置]] ()
[[符号化]] ()
[[物理アドレス]] ()
[[物理層]] (physical layer)
[[プライベートCA]] ()
[[プライベートアドレス]] ()
[[フラグシーケンス]] ()
[[フラグメントフリー方式]] ()
[[フラッディング]] ()
[[プリアンブル]] (preamble)
[[ブリッジ]] ()
[[フルバックアップ]] ()
[[フレーム]] ()
[[フレームリレーサービス]] ()
[[プレゼンテーション層]] (presentation layer)
[[プレフィックス表記]] ()
[[フロー制御]] ()
[[ブロードキャストアドレス]] ()
[[ブロードキャストストーム]] ()
[[ブロードキャストドメイン]] ()
[[プロキシサーバ]] (proxy server)
[[プロトコル]] (protocol)
[[プロトコルスタック]] (protocol stack)

** ヘ [#v45702b4]
[[平均故障間隔]] ()
[[平均修理時間]] ()
[[ペイロード]] (payload)
[[ヘッダ]] (header)
[[変化分バックアップ]] ()

** ホ [#p5de39e5]
[[ポートスキャン]] ()
[[ポートセキュリティ]] ()
[[ポート番号]] ()
[[ポートフォワーディング]] ()
[[ホップ数]] ()

** マ [#ud4d7c10]
[[マルチキャスト]] ()
[[マルチモード]] ()

** ミ [#t5398071]

** ム [#pf7422b9]
[[無線LAN]] ()

** メ [#r453a261]
[[メールヘッダ]] ()
[[メトリック]] (metric)

** モ [#t8628814]

** ヤ [#gc0e419a]

** ユ [#w5f70ec8]

** ヨ [#q5f04abf]

** ラ [#uaec7a04]
[[ラベルスイッチング]] ()
[[ランダムポート番号]] ()

** リ [#he8d4dd1]
[[リバースプロキシ]] (reverse proxy)
[[リモートバックアップ]] (remote backup)
[[量子化]] (quantization)
[[リンクアグリゲーション]] (link aggregation)
[[リング型]] (ring formed LAN)
[[リンク状態型ルーティング]] (Link State Routing)
[[リンクステートルーティング]] (Link State Routing)

** ル [#c9d543ac]
[[ルータ]] (router)
[[ルーティング]] (routing)
[[ルーティングテーブル]] (routing table)
[[ルートCA]] (Root Certificate Authority)
[[ルート集約]] (Route Aggregation)
[[ループバックアドレス]] (loopback address)

** レ [#s0bde3be]
[[レイヤ]] (layer)
[[レプリケーション機能]] (replication)

** ロ [#w1ed6c32]
[[ローデバイス方式]] (RAW device)
[[ロードバランサ]] (load balancer)
[[ローミング]] (roaming)
[[ロンゲストマッチ]] (longest match)
[[論理アドレス]] (logical address)

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